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Lately I’ve been paying attention to many of the infomercials and commercials for all these new abs machines and quick ways to workout in 6 minutes or less! Now, let me start off by saying that I’m not ripping on any new product out there; I’m not saying that none of those products work or that they aren’t good for those who choose to buy them. What I’m pointing out here is the reality of the strength of the human will and the desire to get something accomplished no matter the resources. Like any machine or device that’s designed to help, if used properly I’m certain that it will do its job and do it well.


However, what I am advocating is that with some more knowledge and know-how of various ab exercises, these machines wouldn’t be needed by the individual who is willing to endure plenty of sweat and a little bit of pain to achieve those washboard abs that everyone desires!


Since we are talking about exercise, particularly abs, we need to understand a basic premise and that is the human body was made to move. Look at how the human torso can move in any and all directions and depending on how agile and flexible you are, you probably can move in directions and angles that defy imaginations!


Now about these commercials, take a good look at them…what’s the first thing they make a blatant and repeated point throughout the length of the commercial? Answer:  neck and back pain! Why? Simple:  because it’s easy to do the exercises wrong and the most common pain while doing ab exercises is…..drum roll please…..that’s right, you guessed it…..NECK AND BACK PAIN!!! Don’t believe me? Just take a closer look and listen to what the spokesperson is saying;  it’s either how you can get a workout done in a matter of minutes or how you can ease neck and back pain and how crunches only work the top half of your abs and blah blah blah blah blah…! Take a closer look at the models/actors and you will notice that they are ‘pulling’ at their neck and saying that doing crunches hurt and it doesn’t get the job done, etc. They are selling you pain, creating a need for a problem that can be easily corrected with a little bit of know-how, time, energy and a strong desire for education. Any coach, athlete, trainer or sports doctor that’s worth their weight will tell you that the actor/model is purposely doing the exercise(s) wrong because they want to sell you a product……and it seems like that strategy is very successful!!! So to that I tip my hat to the companies and the marketing departments that advertise this way because it works!


But if you’re one of those people who desire truth and don’t mind getting a little bit sweaty and you believe in the long term development of great lasting habits and proper technique then I will tell you how to do properly do the most common ab exercise of all!


To do the standard crunch CORRECTLY, first, your back and neck must be aligned. The neck should be locked in place and the back should be straight as if you were standing up. That’s the proper posture for all ab exercises…..neck locked in place, back straight! Do you walk around with your head and neck down and with your hands pulling at your neck and with your back slouched over? Of course you don’t, so why in the world would anyone do an exercise like that?! I mean really, think about it….many exercises are similar to how you walk and stand upright! Now on the technique of the crunch……next you PULL up with your lower abs and you go back down in a controlled motion. And……that’s it! It’s really as simple as that!


Here’s another secret to rock hard, washboard, sexy abs….there are MANY variations of the crunch:


Reverse crunch (lying flat on the ground, extend the legs out holding the feet 6 inches off the ground and bring the knees back towards the chest-this exercise works the lower abs)


 Side crunches (lying flat on the ground, turn the legs to either the right or left and lift up using the lower abs-this works the oblique’s or side abs)


Bicycle (lying flat on the ground, hands behind the head, bring one knee toward the chest and use the lower abs to pull the torso up and meet the knee with the opposite elbow-this works the lower abs and oblique’s)


Jackknife (lying flat on the ground, arms stretched out above the head in the horizontal position and legs stretched out 6 inches above the ground, bring the knees to the chest and use the lower abs to crunch up simultaneously, meet in the middle of the torso and go back to the original starting position and repeat-this works both upper and lower abs)


As a side note, remember to breathe on ab exercises. When the cavity is closed, or when you’re crunching, exhale, and when the cavity is open, or when you’re returning to the starting position, inhale.


And those are just a few variations of the standard crunch. Trust me, just doing those four exercises and getting a good cardio workout in using the above exercises will whip our midsection into shape within a matter of weeks….trust me it will…..I’m an athletic coach, I should know, I see it ALL THE TIME!!!


Come train with me and I’ll always make sure you have a beach body...HAHAHAHA....!


Continue in knowledge my friends!



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